A member of my Patreon community recently shared this with me, and boy did I need to hear it.
As a small business founder in an industry that I don't particularly love, I often struggle with... why this? Why is skincare the thing I'm good at when I have so many issues with the beauty industry and don't even want to compete with brands who are out there spewing lies to push people to over-consume things that a) don't work; and b) they don't need in the first place?
How did I end up here?
Well, when I hear stories like this, it starts to make a little more sense. Let me be the antidote to the products that don't work. Let Twinkle Apothecary be the place you come to when you're over the hype.
Maybe I don't need to compete with other brands... maybe I just need to keep doing the thing that I'm very good at doing.
Thank you, Cassandra, for the reminder!
- Stefanie -