My Morning Twinkle Skincare and Wellness Routine

My Morning Twinkle Skincare and Wellness Routine

Now that I've posted my current nighttime routine, I have to post what I do in the mornings too! This is a typical weekday morning for me, starting at around 6 am - also assuming that I've done my full nighttime routine and have gone to bed with clean skin. If for any reason I didn't (very, very rare) I would add a facemask into this routine. But I actually like to keep it simple with my face in the morning (don't laugh I'm serious lol.) 

1. The only way to snooze. 

When my alarm goes off in the morning, first, I hit snooze, (who doesn't?!) then, I drape my jade mask over my eyes and allow the cool stones to gently wake up my face and eyes. It feels SO amazing and really gets my day off to a positive start.  

2. Oil Pulling + Tea 

2a. I oil pull first thing every morning, alternating between this and this. I'm very intrigued by the idea that it can help pull harmful bacteria from your mouth... I'll do pretty much anything to boost my immune system and reduce inflammation, but easy stuff like this is a no-brainer.

2b. While I swish, I make tea (usually earl grey cream during the week) and my bed.  

3. Laziest hair styling trick ever 

Before I start my skincare routine/shower, I brush my hair and pull it up into a loose bun with a scrunchie, and mist it down generously with my wave spray. I leave it up like this in the shower, until I get dressed. Unless its a hair washing day, of course...   

4. Oil Cleanse + Gua Sha 

4a. I oil cleanse every morning... exactly as I do at night. A full dropper of oil massaged into dry skin, paying special attention to areas where my pores tend to get clogged. Right now I'm using my Spring Serum, but you can really use any of my facial oils/serums. While my face is good and slippery,

4b. I gua sha. I do this every morning, and I LOVE how it wakes up my face. Any puffiness disappears instantly, and although it makes my face temporarily red, (for about 2 minutes) I find that it actually helps reduce redness overall, which is something I struggle with because of food allergies/a possible histamine intolerance situation. (Ugh.) 

Anyway, check out my "morning routine" story highlight on my instagram bio for more about gua sha and some video.

5. Dry Brush + Shower 

Every morning while my shower water warms up I quickly dry brush. It's such a nice, invigorating way to greet my body in the mornings, and it keeps my skin extra smooth all the time... no messy scrubs required! 

Instead of steaming with a wash cloth after my oil cleanse like I do at night, I usually just rinse the oil off of my face in the shower. 

6. Tone

After my shower, the first thing I do is mist my face with toning mist. I also mist it on a cotton round and rub my face down with it, just like I do at night! 

7. Hydrate + Moisturize

7a. Then I mist with a hydosol, and immediately follow with 3-4 drops of my original facial oil. 

7b. Eye serum - rolled under my eye, tapping excess oil up into my brow. 

7c. Facial balm - I like to lock all of this in with a tiny (tiny!) bit of facial balm. I don't need very much at all in the spring/summer, and I use a lot more in the winter for sure. 

7d. All Over Oil - don't forget about your body! I always, always, always, moisturize with my all over oil. I love that it soaks in quickly and leaves my skin feeling soft and hydrated year round. I honestly can't imagine going without it! 

8. Sunscreen 

A necessary evil. I have to wear sunscreen, especially in the spring/summer, because if I'm outside for more than 5 minutes (and I always am because I walk my son to/from school,) I start to burn. I use this one by Pacifica, because it's the cleanest one I've found for the price. (The ingredients are great, actually, and it never causes my acne-prone skin to breakout.) It does leave my skin looking a bit pasty, but I think that's the case with all mineral sunscreens. I compensate with a couple of makeup tricks, which I'll post more about later...  

9. Facewhip and Makeup

After sunscreen, I apply facewhip, translucent mattifying powder, and whatever makeup I want to wear that day. I'm working on a whole series about my "no-makeup" makeup routines so stay tuned for that!   

I hope this peek at my go-to skincare routine helps provide some inspiration for your own morning routine. Have a great day! 



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